
How’s your faith holding up? Could it use a little lift?

This Sunday, we’ll draw inspiration from the teachings of the Fillmores and scripture to discover how faith can evolve and grow, becoming a guiding light in life’s most challenging moments. Together, we’ll nurture and strengthen our faith, finding the spiritual support we need to navigate these uncertain times with grace and resilience.

Join us for an uplifting experience. At Unity of Tempe, you are loved, supported, and never alone!

We'll be meeting in our new space in the Education Building, just a few yards away from our former space. We're deeply grateful to the Church of the Epiphany for continuing to accommodate us. We love being on their grounds. Just follow the signs to our new Unity of Tempe home. Can't wait to see you!

Previous Sunday talk messages can be viewed here:

and at YouTube:

Thank you for your financial blessings!! They are so appreciated.

If you wish to donate, please give here:

or through our new MAIL ONLY address:

Unity of Tempe,
925 W Baseline Rd Ste 105/227

Tempe, AZ 85283-0901
Remember, you can reach us via:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 480-792-1800

Please let us know how we can be of support.

With love,

Rev. Dr. Mitzi Lynton
Lead Pastor - Unity of Tempe

Unity of Tempe is a place where YOU are welcomed, loved and family, whether you are a "regular," or "just visiting," you always have a spiritual home with us.


We meet in person on Sundays at 10:00 AM at the Church of The Epiphany, 2222 S. Price Rd, Tempe, AZ 85282.

Unity's services are held in the Education Building, a few yards away from our previous building. Look for the Unity signs for guidance upon arrival.

Thank you for your continued flexibility, love, and support of your spiritual community. We look forward to seeing you!

Our new mail-only address:

Unity of Tempe, 925 W Baseline Rd Ste 105/227

Tempe, AZ 85283-0901